Lightweight, for more cutting power

A man using a Gardena EasyCut Lopper to cut a branch off a tree

Ergonomics, quality materials and lightweight

Made from top quality materials and equipped with the most innovative features, the GARDENA loppers deliver an effortless but precise cutting result. Ergonomically created for optimal operating performance and comfort, these loppers feature a stylish design and ensure a safe and accurate experience in your garden.

Close-up of Gardena bypass loppers cutting a branch

Bypass loppers – ideal for fresh wood

Both blade and counter blade are ground and penetrate into the branch simultaneously. They have a "pulling cut", which means easy, accurate cutting without leaving pressure marks on the wood. Branches and twigs are cut very close to the trunk, which prevents cones that hinder the flow of sap.

Gardena Anvil Loppers cutting a branch

Anvil loppers – ideal for hard, dry wood

The upper blade is narrower and sharper. The wide anvil distributes pressure and supports the branch in order to avoid damaging or crushing the bark. A curved head or swivelling anvil provides an easier cutting action close to the joint.


Gardena Loppers

Quick facts

Tough, handy and extremely lightweight. Watch here.

Garden inspiration

suvepäev aias

Liugteradega ja alasiteradega kääride erinevused

Bypass secateurs pakub täpsust, samas kui alasi secateurs pakub jõudu. Millal peaksite iga lõikamispõhimõtet kasutama?
hekkide lõikamine


Pärast eelmist GARDENA uudiskirja saime palju päringuid sügisese trimmimise kohta. Me ei saa siin asendada ekspertide käsiraamatut. Siiski tahaksime anda mõned kasulikud näpunäited.
Lõikepead GARDENA AssistCut'iga

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