The right choice for cutting of flowers, bushes and branches

Gardena Secateur cutting the branch of a tree

Ergonomic, lightweight and functional design

The ergonomically shaped handles with soft grip components and the lightweight products will make all the pruning in your garden easier, comfortable and safe. With the range of different secateurs GARDENA has the ideal tool for you – from beginner to professional user.

Close-up of a pair of Gardena Secateurs

Quality materials

The GARDENA secateurs are all made of robust & long-lasting blades that offer the best cutting performance. Made from quality materials and equipped with innovative features, the secateurs deliver an effortless but precise cutting result.

Gardena anvil secateurs cutting a thicker branch off a tree

Anvil Secateurs – ideal for hard, dry wood

The upper blade is narrower and sharper. The wide anvil distributes pressure and supports the branch in order to avoid damaging or crushing the bark. A curved head or swivelling anvil provides an easier cutting action close to the joint.

Bypass secateurs cutting off a rose

Bypass Secateurs – ideal for flowers and fresh wood

Both blade and counter blade are ground and penetrate into the branch simultaneously. They have a "pulling cut", which means easy, accurate cutting without leaving pressure marks on the wood. Branches and twigs are cut very close to the trunk, which prevents cones that hinder the flow of sap.


Garden inspiration

suvepäev aias

Liugteradega ja alasiteradega kääride erinevused

Bypass secateurs pakub täpsust, samas kui alasi secateurs pakub jõudu. Millal peaksite iga lõikamispõhimõtet kasutama?
Lõikepead GARDENA AssistCut'iga

Õige lõikus tagab hea saagi

Isegi 6–8-aastaste noorte puude puhul soodustab talvine pügamine kasvu ja on puu edasise kuju jaoks ülioluline. Lisateave puude lõikamiseks sobivate kuude kohta.
voodi roosid

Rooside tagasilõikamine

Lõige on aluseks tugevale ja elavale lopsakas õitsemisega taimele. See loob äsja kasvavat puitu ja roos võib haigusi palju paremini tagasi lükata. Kui roose ei lõigata regulaarselt, muutub lill nõrgemaks ja roos muutub kiilaks.